Source code for webcolors.conversion

Functions which convert between various types of color values.

from . import constants, normalization, types

# Conversions from color names to other formats.
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[docs]def name_to_hex(name: str, spec: str = constants.CSS3) -> str: """ Convert a color name to a normalized hexadecimal color value. The color name will be normalized to lower-case before being looked up. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> name_to_hex("white") '#ffffff' >>> name_to_hex("navy") '#000080' >>> name_to_hex("goldenrod") '#daa520' >>> name_to_hex("goldenrod", spec=HTML4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: "goldenrod" is not defined as a named color in html4. :param name: The color name to convert. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3`. :raises ValueError: when the given name has no definition in the given spec. """ if spec not in constants.SUPPORTED_SPECIFICATIONS: raise ValueError(constants.SPECIFICATION_ERROR_TEMPLATE.format(spec=spec)) hex_value = getattr(constants, f"{spec.upper()}_NAMES_TO_HEX").get(name.lower()) if hex_value is None: raise ValueError(f'"{name}" is not defined as a named color in {spec}') return hex_value
[docs]def name_to_rgb(name: str, spec: str = constants.CSS3) -> types.IntegerRGB: """ Convert a color name to a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int` suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` triplet specifying that color. The color name will be normalized to lower-case before being looked up. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> name_to_rgb("white") IntegerRGB(red=255, green=255, blue=255) >>> name_to_rgb("navy") IntegerRGB(red=0, green=0, blue=128) >>> name_to_rgb("goldenrod") IntegerRGB(red=218, green=165, blue=32) :param name: The color name to convert. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3.` :raises ValueError: when the given name has no definition in the given spec. """ return hex_to_rgb(name_to_hex(name, spec=spec))
[docs]def name_to_rgb_percent(name: str, spec: str = constants.CSS3) -> types.PercentRGB: """ Convert a color name to a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` triplet specifying that color. The color name will be normalized to lower-case before being looked up. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> name_to_rgb_percent("white") PercentRGB(red='100%', green='100%', blue='100%') >>> name_to_rgb_percent("navy") PercentRGB(red='0%', green='0%', blue='50%') >>> name_to_rgb_percent("goldenrod") PercentRGB(red='85.49%', green='64.71%', blue='12.5%') :param name: The color name to convert. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3`. :raises ValueError: when the given name has no definition in the given spec. """ return rgb_to_rgb_percent(name_to_rgb(name, spec=spec))
# Conversions from hexadecimal color values to other formats. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hex_to_name(hex_value: str, spec: str = constants.CSS3) -> str: """ Convert a hexadecimal color value to its corresponding normalized color name, if any such name exists. The hexadecimal value will be normalized before being looked up. .. note:: **Spelling variants** Some values representing named gray colors can map to either of two names in CSS3, because it supports both ``"gray"`` and ``"grey"`` spelling variants for those colors. This function will always return the variant spelled ``"gray"`` (such as ``"lightgray"`` instead of ``"lightgrey"``). See :ref:`the documentation on name conventions <color-name-conventions>` for details. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> hex_to_name("#ffffff") 'white' >>> hex_to_name("#fff") 'white' >>> hex_to_name("#000080") 'navy' >>> hex_to_name("#daa520") 'goldenrod' >>> hex_to_name("#daa520", spec=HTML4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: "#daa520" has no defined color name in html4. :param hex_value: The hexadecimal color value to convert. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3`. :raises ValueError: when the given color has no name in the given spec, or when the supplied hex value is invalid. """ if spec not in constants.SUPPORTED_SPECIFICATIONS: raise ValueError(constants.SPECIFICATION_ERROR_TEMPLATE.format(spec=spec)) name = getattr(constants, f"{spec.upper()}_HEX_TO_NAMES").get( normalization.normalize_hex(hex_value) ) if name is None: raise ValueError(f'"{hex_value}" has no defined color name in {spec}.') return name
[docs]def hex_to_rgb(hex_value: str) -> types.IntegerRGB: """ Convert a hexadecimal color value to a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int` suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` triplet specifying that color. The hexadecimal value will be normalized before being converted. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> hex_to_rgb("#fff") IntegerRGB(red=255, green=255, blue=255) >>> hex_to_rgb("#000080") IntegerRGB(red=0, green=0, blue=128) :param hex_value: The hexadecimal color value to convert. :raises ValueError: when the supplied hex value is invalid. """ int_value = int(normalization.normalize_hex(hex_value)[1:], 16) return types.IntegerRGB(int_value >> 16, int_value >> 8 & 0xFF, int_value & 0xFF)
[docs]def hex_to_rgb_percent(hex_value: str) -> types.PercentRGB: """ Convert a hexadecimal color value to a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` triplet representing that color. The hexadecimal value will be normalized before being converted. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> hex_to_rgb_percent("#ffffff") PercentRGB(red='100%', green='100%', blue='100%') >>> hex_to_rgb_percent("#000080") PercentRGB(red='0%', green='0%', blue='50%') :param hex_value: The hexadecimal color value to convert. :raises ValueError: when the supplied hex value is invalid. """ return rgb_to_rgb_percent(hex_to_rgb(hex_value))
# Conversions from integer rgb() triplets to other formats. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rgb_to_name(rgb_triplet: types.IntTuple, spec: str = constants.CSS3) -> str: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int`, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to its corresponding normalized color name, if any such name exists. To determine the name, the triplet will be converted to a normalized hexadecimal value. .. note:: **Spelling variants** Some values representing named gray colors can map to either of two names in CSS3, because it supports both ``"gray"`` and ``"grey"`` spelling variants for those colors. This function will always return the variant spelled ``"gray"`` (such as ``"lightgray"`` instead of ``"lightgrey"``). See :ref:`the documentation on name conventions <color-name-conventions>` for details. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_to_name((255, 255, 255)) 'white' >>> rgb_to_name((0, 0, 128)) 'navy' :param rgb_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3`. :raises ValueError: when the given color has no name in the given spec. """ return hex_to_name( rgb_to_hex(normalization.normalize_integer_triplet(rgb_triplet)), spec=spec )
[docs]def rgb_to_hex(rgb_triplet: types.IntTuple) -> str: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int`, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to a normalized hexadecimal value for that color. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_to_hex((255, 255, 255)) '#ffffff' >>> rgb_to_hex((0, 0, 128)) '#000080' :param rgb_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. """ red, green, blue = normalization.normalize_integer_triplet(rgb_triplet) return f"#{red:02x}{green:02x}{blue:02x}"
[docs]def rgb_to_rgb_percent(rgb_triplet: types.IntTuple) -> types.PercentRGB: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int`, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages suitable for use in representing that color. .. note:: **Floating-point precision** This function makes some trade-offs in terms of the accuracy of the final representation. For some common integer values, special-case logic is used to ensure a precise result (e.g., integer 128 will always convert to ``"50%"``, integer 32 will always convert to ``"12.5%"``), but for all other values a standard Python :class:`float` is used and rounded to two decimal places, which may result in a loss of precision for some values due to the inherent imprecision of `IEEE floating-point numbers <>`_. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_to_rgb_percent((255, 255, 255)) PercentRGB(red='100%', green='100%', blue='100%') >>> rgb_to_rgb_percent((0, 0, 128)) PercentRGB(red='0%', green='0%', blue='50%') >>> rgb_to_rgb_percent((218, 165, 32)) PercentRGB(red='85.49%', green='64.71%', blue='12.5%') :param rgb_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. """ # In order to maintain precision for common values, # special-case them. specials = { 255: "100%", 128: "50%", 64: "25%", 32: "12.5%", 16: "6.25%", 0: "0%", } return types.PercentRGB._make( specials.get(d, f"{d / 255.0 * 100:.02f}%") for d in normalization.normalize_integer_triplet(rgb_triplet) )
# Conversions from percentage rgb() triplets to other formats. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rgb_percent_to_name( rgb_percent_triplet: types.PercentTuple, spec: str = constants.CSS3 ) -> str: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to its corresponding normalized color name, if any such name exists. To determine the name, the triplet will be converted to a normalized hexadecimal value. .. note:: **Spelling variants** Some values representing named gray colors can map to either of two names in CSS3, because it supports both ``"gray"`` and ``"grey"`` spelling variants for those colors. This function will always return the variant spelled ``"gray"`` (such as ``"lightgray"`` instead of ``"lightgrey"``). See :ref:`the documentation on name conventions <color-name-conventions>` for details. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_percent_to_name(("100%", "100%", "100%")) 'white' >>> rgb_percent_to_name(("0%", "0%", "50%")) 'navy' >>> rgb_percent_to_name(("85.49%", "64.71%", "12.5%")) 'goldenrod' :param rgb_percent_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. :param spec: The specification from which to draw the list of color names. Default is :data:`CSS3`. :raises ValueError: when the given color has no name in the given spec. """ return rgb_to_name( rgb_percent_to_rgb( normalization.normalize_percent_triplet(rgb_percent_triplet) ), spec=spec, )
[docs]def rgb_percent_to_hex(rgb_percent_triplet: types.PercentTuple) -> str: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to a normalized hexadecimal color value for that color. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_percent_to_hex(("100%", "100%", "0%")) '#ffff00' >>> rgb_percent_to_hex(("0%", "0%", "50%")) '#000080' >>> rgb_percent_to_hex(("85.49%", "64.71%", "12.5%")) '#daa520' :param rgb_percent_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. """ return rgb_to_hex( rgb_percent_to_rgb(normalization.normalize_percent_triplet(rgb_percent_triplet)) )
[docs]def rgb_percent_to_rgb( rgb_percent_triplet: types.PercentTuple, ) -> types.IntegerRGB: """ Convert a 3-:class:`tuple` of percentages, suitable for use in an ``rgb()`` color triplet, to a 3-:class:`tuple` of :class:`int` suitable for use in representing that color. Some precision may be lost in this conversion. See the note regarding precision for :func:`~webcolors.rgb_to_rgb_percent` for details. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> rgb_percent_to_rgb(("100%", "100%", "100%")) IntegerRGB(red=255, green=255, blue=255) >>> rgb_percent_to_rgb(("0%", "0%", "50%")) IntegerRGB(red=0, green=0, blue=128) >>> rgb_percent_to_rgb(("85.49%", "64.71%", "12.5%")) IntegerRGB(red=218, green=165, blue=32) :param rgb_percent_triplet: The ``rgb()`` triplet. """ return types.IntegerRGB._make( map( normalization._percent_to_integer, # pylint: disable=protected-access normalization.normalize_percent_triplet(rgb_percent_triplet), ) )