Source code for webcolors.normalization

Normalization utilities for color values.

from . import constants, types

[docs]def normalize_hex(hex_value: str) -> str: """ Normalize a hexadecimal color value to a string consisting of the character `#` followed by six lowercase hexadecimal digits (what HTML5 terms a "valid lowercase simple color"). If the supplied value cannot be interpreted as a hexadecimal color value, :exc:`ValueError` is raised. See :ref:`the conventions used by this module <conventions>` for information on acceptable formats for hexadecimal values. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> normalize_hex("#0099cc") '#0099cc' >>> normalize_hex("#0099CC") '#0099cc' >>> normalize_hex("#09c") '#0099cc' >>> normalize_hex("#09C") '#0099cc' >>> normalize_hex("#0099gg") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: '#0099gg' is not a valid hexadecimal color value. >>> normalize_hex("0099cc") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: '0099cc' is not a valid hexadecimal color value. :param hex_value: The hexadecimal color value to normalize. :raises ValueError: when the input is not a valid hexadecimal color value. """ match = constants.HEX_COLOR_RE.match(hex_value) if match is None: raise ValueError(f'"{hex_value}" is not a valid hexadecimal color value.') hex_digits = if len(hex_digits) == 3: hex_digits = "".join(2 * s for s in hex_digits) return f"#{hex_digits.lower()}"
def _normalize_integer_rgb(value: int) -> int: """ Internal normalization function for clipping integer values into the permitted range (0-255, inclusive). """ return 0 if value < 0 else 255 if value > 255 else value
[docs]def normalize_integer_triplet( rgb_triplet: types.IntTuple, ) -> types.IntegerRGB: """ Normalize an integer ``rgb()`` triplet so that all values are within the range 0..255. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> normalize_integer_triplet((128, 128, 128)) IntegerRGB(red=128, green=128, blue=128) >>> normalize_integer_triplet((0, 0, 0)) IntegerRGB(red=0, green=0, blue=0) >>> normalize_integer_triplet((255, 255, 255)) IntegerRGB(red=255, green=255, blue=255) >>> normalize_integer_triplet((270, -20, -0)) IntegerRGB(red=255, green=0, blue=0) :param rgb_triplet: The percentage `rgb()` triplet to normalize. """ return types.IntegerRGB._make( _normalize_integer_rgb(value) for value in rgb_triplet )
def _normalize_percent_rgb(value: str) -> str: """ Internal normalization function for clipping percent values into the permitted range (0%-100%, inclusive). """ value = value.split("%")[0] percent = float(value) if "." in value else int(value) return "0%" if percent < 0 else "100%" if percent > 100 else f"{percent}%"
[docs]def normalize_percent_triplet( rgb_triplet: types.PercentTuple, ) -> types.PercentRGB: """ Normalize a percentage ``rgb()`` triplet so that all values are within the range 0%..100%. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> normalize_percent_triplet(("50%", "50%", "50%")) PercentRGB(red='50%', green='50%', blue='50%') >>> normalize_percent_triplet(("0%", "100%", "0%")) PercentRGB(red='0%', green='100%', blue='0%') >>> normalize_percent_triplet(("-10%", "-0%", "500%")) PercentRGB(red='0%', green='0%', blue='100%') :param rgb_triplet: The percentage `rgb()` triplet to normalize. """ return types.PercentRGB._make( _normalize_percent_rgb(value) for value in rgb_triplet )
def _percent_to_integer(percent: str) -> int: """ Internal helper for converting a percentage value to an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. """ return int(round(float(percent.split("%")[0]) / 100 * 255))