Source code for webcolors.types

Types and type aliases used to represent colors in various


import typing

[docs]class IntegerRGB(typing.NamedTuple): """ :class:`~typing.NamedTuple` representing an integer RGB triplet. Has three fields, each of type :class:`int` and in the range 0-255 inclusive: .. attribute:: red The red portion of the color value. .. attribute:: green The green portion of the color value. .. attribute:: blue The blue portion of the color value. """ red: int green: int blue: int
[docs]class PercentRGB(typing.NamedTuple): """ :class:`~typing.NamedTuple` representing a percentage RGB triplet. Has three fields, each of type :class:`str` and representing a percentage value in the range 0%-100% inclusive: .. attribute:: red The red portion of the color value. .. attribute:: green The green portion of the color value. .. attribute:: blue The blue portion of the color value. """ red: str green: str blue: str
[docs]class HTML5SimpleColor(typing.NamedTuple): """ :class:`~typing.NamedTuple` representing an HTML5 simple color. Has three fields, each of type :class:`int` and in the range 0-255 inclusive: .. attribute:: red The red portion of the color value. .. attribute:: green The green portion of the color value. .. attribute:: blue The blue portion of the color value. """ red: int green: int blue: int
# Union type representing the possible types of an integer RGB tuple. IntTuple = typing.Union[IntegerRGB, HTML5SimpleColor, typing.Tuple[int, int, int]] # Union type representing the possible types of a percentage RGB tuple. PercentTuple = typing.Union[PercentRGB, typing.Tuple[str, str, str]]